
Concrete Fingers

Built in one piece and lengths up to 22 m including service channels, fenders and all related accessories to provide the marina with the most functional and comfortable mooring.

Aluminum Fingers

Tie arm fingers (small finger)

The most economical solution to easily moor smaller boats and avoid the cumbersome Med mooring system with chain and ropes.

Fingers without pile

Reinforced connection to the pontoon. Depending on the size of the boat and the marina layout, it can be up to 11.60 m long without piles at the end. Widths from 0.4 m to 1.5 m.

Fingers with pile

For larger boats. Reinforced sheet piles from 1.5 m to 2.5 m wide, with pile guides at the end. Depending on the length, it will include a second pile, internally, so as not to interfere with the boat’s mooring.

Our products



2nd Phase Areas Business Park Plots 1, 2 and 3. 36711 Tui (Pontevedra) Spain

Tel (+34) 986 607 235

Fax (+34) 986 627 988