The ultimate objective of Ronáutica Marinas’ R+D policy is necessarily innovation, understood as the successful introduction into the market of the technology, processes or products developed during the previous phases of research and development. Thus, 85% of the components that make up the marinas marketed by Ronáutica Marinas have been developed by the company itself.
The objectives of the R+D+i department are the following:
- Carry out projects that allow us to improve technologically, as well as develop technology related to our productive activity.
- To enhance the training and motivation of our human team and the generation of ideas by the work groups.
- Integrate R+D+i management into the rest of the Quality and Environmental management systems.
Integrate R+D+i management into the rest of the Quality and Environmental management systems.

Participating in research projects since 2003
Ronáutica Marinas recognises and establishes as an objective within its business strategy the promotion of Research, Development and Innovation actions, which result in the competitive improvement of the company. To this end, it has implemented an R+D+i Management System that aims to achieve the following objectives:
- To carry out R+D+i projects associated with our production processes, which allow us to technologically improve these processes, as well as to develop our own technology related to our production activity.
- To organise R+D+i activities through the implementation of a Management System based on the UNE 166002:2006 Standard, seeking to exceed market expectations, respecting the current legal framework, as well as continuously improving the effectiveness of said system.
- To promote the training and motivation of our human team and the generation of ideas by the work groups, which can be transformed into R+D+i projects that can be valued in the market.
- Establish objectives and goals that support the company’s R+D+i strategy.
- Integrate R+D+i management into the rest of the Quality and Environmental management systems.
At the forefront of research
In October 2018, the Galician Innovation Agency granted, to the consortium formed by AQUÁTICA – RONÁUTICA QUALITY MARINAS – ICONCRETE, a grant within the Conecta Peme program, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the Feder Galicia 2014-2020 operational program, and supported by the Ministry of Economy, Employment and Industry, for the development of the project called “FLOATING-CONCRETE”, with which it is intended to seek new methodologies and designs for the manufacture of floating concrete breakwaters and pontoons.

In 2019, the change of Iconcrete as a partner of the consortium was requested by the company AD HOC SMART SOLUTIONS S.L.U., and as of May 2019 the consortium was formed by AQUATICA-RONAUTICA QUALITY MARINAS-ADHOC.
This project was completed in December 2020 and a final dissemination event has been organized and is scheduled for Friday, March 26, 2021.
Creating the future today
Stell free heavy pontoons
Within the framework of the Plan to promote entrepreneurship for innovation in the port sector “PORTS 4.0 ‘the consortium of companies RONÁUTICA MARINAS and AQUATICA INGENIERÍA CIVIL have been developing since February the project ’PORTS 4.0”. STEEL FREE HEAVY PONTOONS”: Floating concrete pontoons with fiber-reinforced polymer chassis (CPRF pontoon) to replace traditional reinforcement with galvanized steel bars and mesh.

The project is developed in the Portocultura dock of the Port Authority of Vigo (facilitating agent).
- Standard freeboard jetties and fingers for berthing vessels up to 16 m in length. Pilot and auxiliary vessels. Completed in March 2024.
- High freeboard jetties for berthing vessels up to 33 m in length. Ria passenger transport ships. UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Completion scheduled for September 2024.